Raise It Up

Smart tips when asking for a raise

Looking to start the new year off on the right foot? Try asking for a raise. But first, learn the strategies that will help you succeed. Let’s review.

Start Now

You can start talking about an eventual raise without flat out asking for one — which gives your employer time to prepare. As Money reports, go to your boss and ask about mapping out a path to a higher salary. Set six, nine and 12 month reviews with the ultimate mission being that raise. Setting up a path to a raise is smart way to get on your boss’ radar and provide you with clear goals.

Do The Research

Look up what other people in your same occupation are making. Once you know your worth, consider that the average American worker’s salary is expected to increase by three percent in 2019. With that number in mind, ask for something reasonable, like a five percent raise. If you go too high, your boss will likely not budge.

Cite Your Work

When you do decide to talk with you boss, be prepared to list out your accomplishments. For a special boost, cite any time you were able to save the company money or any time you boosted the company’s revenue. Bring a print-out that you can leave behind as a reminder. It’s important to have concrete examples of just how important you are to your employer.

Chris O'Shea

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